Wednesday, March 29, 2006

a great poem by ted hughs

God tried to teach Crow how to talk.

"Love," said God. "Say, Love."

Crow gaped, and the white shark crashed into the sea

And went rolling downwards, discovering its own depth.

"No, no," said God. "Say Love. Now try it. Love."

Crow gaped, and a bluefly, a tsetse, a mosquito

Zoomed out and down

To their sundry flesh-pots.

"A final try," said God. "Now, Love."

Crow convulsed, gaped, retched and

Man's bodiless prodigious head

Bulbed out onto the earth, with swivelling eyes,

Jabbering protest --

And Crow retched again, before God could stop him.

And woman's vulva dropped over man's neck and tightened.

The two struggled together on the grass.

God struggled to part them, cursed, wept --

Crow flew guiltily off.

Crow Alights

Crow saw the herded mountains, steaming in the morning.

and he saw the sea

Dark-spined, with the whole earth in its coils.

He saw the stars, fuming away into the black, mushrooms of

the nothing forest, clouding their spores, the virus of God.

And he shivered with the horror of Creation.

In the hallucination of the horror

He saw this shoe, with no sole, rain-sodden,

Lying on a moor.

And there was this garbage can, bottom rusted away,

A playing place for the wind, in a waste of puddles.

There was this coat, in the dark cupboard,

in the silent room, in the silent house.

There was this face, smoking its cigarette between the dusk

window and the fire's embers.

Near the face, this hand, motionless.

Near the hand, this cup.

Crow blinked. He blinked. Nothing faded.

He stared at the evidence.

Nothing escaped him. (Nothing could escape.)

Review of Crow

A review of Crow

Old Man Krow

Old Man Krow
Originally uploaded by Morphicman.

Monday, March 20, 2006

krowboxx 3

krowboxx 3
Originally uploaded by Morphicman.


spring "boing", "boing" life
the death is gone -
the poets converge on the cliff
of maddness
saying pubescant statues are wringing out there clothes

...the day of sheets blowing in the wind
is here ...
the moon is a sliver of
past ice
dripping away -until there's a child
with a red balloon
at a carnival
saying hey mister
see my balloon.
See it blow up like the hindenburg

monday energy

Today is monday..the first day of spring thank god!
I feel like I have new energy..maybe its from the sun or the spring air or maybe because I didnt go to bed at 4:30am..ahahhahaha
I'm doing a new krow-boxx witrh ATC'S...
i NEVERKNOW how there going to turn out!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006



Email me!

any suggestions feel free to write.

Now At the end of the winter is a time for change and new ideas-
My thinking is along my trade which is carpentry and sculpture but god knows what's in store..
I'd love to do my sculpture and have people want it..for real..for there homes,decks,pools,patios and interiors..

If people have any suggestions let me know
Art is art is art..not to be prodded by science or amateurs to say..”yep thet’s art all rigght..” Individual artwork is the courage of the artist to risk the piece being dead or shitty or unforgiving..yet he or she may be stepping into a movement by the difference of the work or the energy they put into it ..making an impact on society..I know my work makes “no impact” on society at all..they just say nothing or wow that's “beautiful”. which is after a while hearing that a slap in the face..I’ve done arbors-benches-birdhouse's-sculptural garden pieces-paintings-Car bumper art-cranes-herrons-fish-dragonflys-trellises-ect..same thats beautiful. I remember one guy from R.I. came and was looking at an arbor I did..and he say’s ” you call that art?”

I said is to me.

he went back to watching the patriots.

The Krow will never be the Dove

The Krow will never be the Dove

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost." - Martha Graham

Why I am the way I am


WELL I think it started along time a go when I was going down a hill on my tricycle and one wheel fell off the back..I ened up plowing right into the bushes.



Today is the day before spring.thank god!I cant wait till the forsythia bushes bloom yellow, the robins pick the worm, and the morning air is warm like toast.. I cant stand winter it is death

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Spring is almost here


Thank god spring is almost here..I thought I as going to be fitted for a new straight jacket!!