Sunday, March 19, 2006

Art is art is art..not to be prodded by science or amateurs to say..”yep thet’s art all rigght..” Individual artwork is the courage of the artist to risk the piece being dead or shitty or unforgiving..yet he or she may be stepping into a movement by the difference of the work or the energy they put into it ..making an impact on society..I know my work makes “no impact” on society at all..they just say nothing or wow that's “beautiful”. which is after a while hearing that a slap in the face..I’ve done arbors-benches-birdhouse's-sculptural garden pieces-paintings-Car bumper art-cranes-herrons-fish-dragonflys-trellises-ect..same thats beautiful. I remember one guy from R.I. came and was looking at an arbor I did..and he say’s ” you call that art?”

I said is to me.

he went back to watching the patriots.

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